Ker je trajnost tako pomembna tema za podjetja in potrošnike, vedno obstaja nevarnost, da organizacije pretiravajo s svojimi prizadevanji in njihovimi rezultati, kar je pogosto znano kot "Greenwashing".
To help tackle this potential problem, the European Commission is working on two new EU directives that are intended to create strict, harmonised standards across Europe on information requirements and the verifiability of environmental advertising, thereby effectively preventing greenwashing. This will require companies to substantiate the claims they make about the environmental aspects or performance of their products and activities using ‘robust, science-based variable methods’. The ‘Directive as regards empowering consumers for the green transition through better protection against unfair practices and better information’ was adopted by a large majority in the European Parliament on 17th January 2024. The draft for the second directive, the ‘Directive on substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims’, was officially presented on 22 March 2023. It is not yet clear when this will be adopted by the EU Parliament. Olaf Jonas, General Manager Environmental Social Governance (ESG) at Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe shared his views on the new directives and what environmental measures the company is taking to reduce its environmental impact.
Making operations sustainable, employing a diverse workforce, and providing an inclusive, accessible environment are elements of many organisations' environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies. There are many ways to make your organisation more sustainable and create a more inclusive working environment. Konica Minolta can help, with a range of technologies, devices and services that reflect our own commitment to environmental protection and equal access for all.
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