Internet in elektronsko trženje sta postala ključna sestavna dela vsakodnevnega življenja in se hitro razvijata v kanala, ki se uporabljata za veliko večino poslovnih transakcij.
Da boste lahko ostali konkurenčni tudi v prihodnje, bodo komercialni tiskalniki za mala in srednje velika podjetja morali nuditi rešitve spletnega tiskanja, vključno z oddaljenim založništvom, tiskanjem prek interneta in e-poslovnim tiskanjem, da boste lahko komunicirali o svojih izdelkih in storitvah ter jih prodajali. Vaše stranke bodo že poznale sisteme za spletno tiskanje ter spletne sisteme in bodo dobro vajeni kupovati izdelke, kot so knjige, pisarniški material in voščilnice, ter storitve, kot so potovanja, podatkovne shrambe in računalništvo v oblaku.
Zato je spletno tiskanje ključnega pomena za vas kot ponudnika storitev tiskanja. Z njim se lahko vaše storitve razlikujejo od ponudbe konkurentov, znižajo režijski stroški, poveča učinkovitost in še veliko več.
Spletno tiskanje nudi najrazličnejše prednosti v tiskalnem okolju, med drugim:
Web 2 Print solutions are fast becoming essential components of a digital printer’s strategies not just in terms of access, but also sales, marketing and design. The options it offers are also critical tools for overcoming the common burden of major increases in back office administration generated by high volumes of low run, low cost jobs. Most print provider’s administrative processes and conventional management information systems are suited to offset production and struggle with the demands of a digital print environment.
With lightning-fast speeds, simple operation and powerful in-line finishing, the AccurioPress range of high-speed colour production printers raises the bar in digital productivity – saving time, labour costs and space on your production floor.
Are you looking to hit the ground running when installing your Web 2 Print solutions? You need to start with exactly the right software. AccurioPro Flux Ultimate is a sophisticated Web 2 Print application that enables print service providers, in-house printshops, public authorities and the educational sector to offer secure, job ticket-based online submission of print jobs. End-users can then take advantage of this convenient service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Our experienced, knowledgeable specialist staff will answer any questions you may have, and show you how to operate your product. Our services function for your benefit, within a support system designed to ensure you and your company benefit fully from the solutions. We offer a range of different services, including optimised print services to combine your consulting; hardware and software implementation; workflow management to lower your document spending; and smart security services, to keep your business safe.
Web 2 Print lets customers comfortably order, upload and preview their jobs online. Print-ready documents can be provided in catalogues, while non-print articles can also be offered for ordering. The application checks whether files are printable, images provided by the customer feature the proper resolution, fonts are embedded, and transparencies have been included. Most Web-to-Print applications let clients customise pre-designed templates and upload their own content for automated print production.
Optimised for B2B print providers and in-house printing
Web-to-Print and digital storefronts are the print sector’s version of e-commerce, using the internet to commission print more efficiently and cost-effectively
Web-to-Print is an end-to-end solution for the procurement and management of print
Web 2 Print solutions let anyone procure print solutions from a computer no matter what their location, approve PDFs, and send it all instantly to the printer
It provides a quick and easy tool for customers to calculate prices
Prokom is the Konica Minolta User Community where you can find market research, information and practical tools, which will help you become better informed, more productive and ultimately more profitable. At Prokom we believe it’s not just about what you make, it’s about what you make possible
Enabling business through Web to Print
In today's networked corporate environments many of the internal processes are already web-based. So why shouldn't in-house printing be as well? Web to Print (W2P) offers in-house print rooms an exciting opportunity to enhance the efficiency, convenience and speed with which print orders can be placed and implemented. W2P enables print orders to be placed at any time because the print room is open for business 24/7. Besides, W2P makes significant savings possible – both company-wide and within the print room. As most in-house print rooms are run as profit centres, the economic advantages of W2P are particularly important. How your business will benefit from Web to Print in the print room:
How an in-house print room profits from Web to Print:
Cost-cutting self-service is one of the biggest benefits W2P brings to an in-house print room. Can you afford to miss out on this technology?