Ena aplikacija za vsa opravila ustvarjanja slik širokih formatov. Enostavno dodajanje datotek, predogled in tiskanje

KIP ImagePro je zmogljiv nabor programske opreme, ki zviša učinkovitost z nadzorovano avtomatizacijo delovnih procesov v okoljih z velikim povpraševanjem, hkrati pa ga odlikuje hitrejši odzivni čas.

Tiskanje širokih formatov

Dandanes je trženje na področju tiskanja daleč od tega, kar je bilo nekoč. Zahteva se, da digitalna grafika nagovarja široko občinstvo, hkrati pa niža stroške obratovanja. Ravno zaradi tega je tiskanje širokih formatov postal eden od cenovno najugodnejših načinov, ki pomagajo ponudnikom tiskarskih storitev, da se lahko še vedno postavijo ob bok naraščajočim zahtevam trga.

Digitalno tiskanje širokih formatov je eno od redkih področij na svetovnem trgu tiskanja, ki je podvrženo hitrim spremembam in rasti. Konica Minolta je s svojimi visokokakovostnimi in uporabniku prijaznimi programskimi in strojnimi tiskalnimi rešitvami tukaj posebej zato, da vas varno vodi skozi prihajajoče spremembe in vam pomaga doseči zastavljene poslovne cilje.

KIP ImagePro je zmogljiv nabor programske opreme, ki v aplikaciji za tiskanje, kopiranje in optično branje, ki je povsem preprosta za uporabo, združuje temeljno orodje z odlično zmožnostjo opravljanja več nalog hkrati. Standardni vmesnik seznanja upravljalce strojev v proizvodnji ali pa le občasne uporabnike z orodji za hiter dostop, HD-pregledovalnikom za tiskanje želenih območij in intuitivnimi funkcijami urejanja opravila. Prednastavitve standardiziranega CAD-programa in grafične kakovosti tiskanja poskrbijo za to, da je ImagePro najpreprostejši in najhitrejši način tiskanja. Z enim samim klikom njegov razširjen nabor funkcij poskrbi, da strokovnjaki za tehnično in grafično oblikovanje stojijo v njegovi senci.

Z zlaganjem, rezanjem predlog, izmenjavo posebnih barv in dostopom do funkcij za upravljanje barv, ki so na voljo samo v dragih grafikah rastrske obdelave slik, je KIP ImagePro ustvarjen kot nalašč za barvne strokovnjake, saj jim priskrbi pripomočke, ki poskrbijo, da je delo opravljeno na nivoju.

Wide Format

Wide Format

Simplify the wide format workflow

You can now simplify the wide format workflow with a single software solution.  KIP ImagePro comes with an intuitive standard mode for production efficiency or expanded mode for intelligent image interaction. What makes this software special is the fact that you can print, copy, and scan—all within a single application. It doesn’t get easier than that!

Strojna oprema
hardware icon
KIP print systems

KIP print systems are custom-made for technical, graphics, and office document users who require high demand output, precise imaging and bold, expressive colour fidelity. They are capable of producing vibrant colours, striking graphics, and photographic images that capture subtle tints and hues with unsurpassed colour stability – from the first to final print.

Programska oprema
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One software for all

You can now simplify the wide format workflow with a single software solution. KIP ImagePro comes with an intuitive standard mode for production efficiency or expanded mode for intelligent image interaction.

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Always at your Service

Our experienced, knowledgeable specialist staff will answer any questions you may have, and show you how to operate your product. Our services function for your benefit, within a support system designed to ensure you and your company benefit fully from the solutions. We offer a range of different services, including optimised print services to combine your consulting; hardware and software implementation; workflow management to lower your document spending; and smart security services, to keep your business safe.

Key Features



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Advanced area of interest printing

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Customisable interface for personalised view & tools

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Easy deployment

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High-definition viewing

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Intelligent pdf job validation

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KIP smart stacking

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Brilliant multi-tasking

shaping print to business.

Prokom is the Konica Minolta User Community where you can find market research, information and practical tools, which will help you become better informed, more productive and ultimately more profitable. At Prokom we believe it’s not just about what you make, it’s about what you make possible

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Konica Minolta’s business development program

DIGITAL1234 presents you with four simple steps to more business. Konica Minolta’s business development program has been designed to enable print providers to thrive in their businesses. It takes an opportunity-based approach, showing customers in four practical steps how to identify, assess, justify and implement new business opportunities. All you have to do is register once to obtain all this valuable information – free of any obligation or expense.

Four steps to build your business: