Tiskanje nalepk: pripravite se na jutrišnje trge – še danes

Digitalna izdelava nalepk vas pripravi na prihodnost panoge. Brez težaškega dela ali tveganja.

Digitalna tehnologija – dovoljenje za tiskanje nalepk?

Digitalna izdelava nalepk je v razcvetu. Da bi izkoristili to rast, uživajte v novih digitalnih koristih in med prehodom ohranite donosnost vaše analogne proizvodne opreme s komplementarnim pristopom k storitvam tiskanja družbe Konica Minolta.

Profesionalno natisnjene nalepke so danes velik posel. Zelo velik. Podjetja morajo označiti in razlikovati svoje izdelke in blagovne znamke, nalepke po meri se lahko uporabijo na zanimive nove načine, količina natisnjenih kvadratnih metrov v sektorju pa se je v zadnjih letih skoraj podvojila. Celo v današnji spletni dobi zasnova nalepke igra izjemno pomembno vlogo pri sprejemu izdelka. Etiketa ali nalepka na steklenici ali embalaži izdelka odraža sporočilo in identiteto blagovne znamke. 


Najnovejši podatki inštituta za tržne raziskave Smithers Pira kažejo, da je količina natisnjenih kvadratnih metrov v tem sektorju narasla s 4 milijard leta 2014 na 7 milijard leta 2017. 


Kaj je tiskanje nalepk? 

Trgovina, industrija in distribucija danes ne bi mogle delovati brez nalepk. Z večbarvnimi ilustracijami jih najdemo na skoraj vseh izdelkih, ki jih kupimo v prodajalnah na nakupovalnih ulicah, lekarnah, prodajalnah za domače mojstre ter celo v hipermarketih na obrobjih mest in vrtnih centrih – ne glede na to, če so izdelki pakirani v steklenicah, škatlah, kozarcih, loncih, pladnjih ali drugih vrstah posod, pakirani v folijo, ali celo pritrjene neposredno na raznolikih izdelkih, kot so kosilnice, teniški loparji, oblačila ali strojna oprema. 

Nalepke so nepogrešljiv medij, ki se lahko uporabi za označevanje in pomoč pri trženju najrazličnejšega blaga ter za zagotavljanje bistvenih potrošniških ali zakonskih informacij, kot so teža ali količina, kontaktni podatki dobavitelja ali proizvajalca, sestavine ali seznami vsebine ter morda tudi informacije o shranjevanju, ravnanju, zdravi prehrani, uporabi ali varnosti. 

Poleg tega danes skoraj vse nalepke vsebujejo črtno kodo – vzorce črnih in belih črt, ki se optično preberejo na blagajnah – za označevanje in določanje cen izdelkov na računih kupcev. Najrazličnejše nalepke s črtnimi kodami se uporabljajo tudi v proizvodnem sektorju ter sektorju skladiščenja, odpreme in distribucije za raznolike uporabe, kot so sestavljanje in tovarniška avtomatizacija, označevanje delov in komponent ter na področju sledenja in sledljivosti skozi celotno dobavno verigo. 

V zadnjih letih so nove inovacije za nalepke prinesle tudi rast posebnih vrst nalepk, ki lahko komunicirajo z mobilnimi telefoni za dostop do spletnih mest, zagotavljanje več informacij za potrošnike, sodelovanje v nagradnih igrah, igranje iger ali pridružitev družbenim omrežjem. Nekatere nalepke so tudi edinstveno spremenljive ali prilagojene. 

Skratka, nalepke so postale bistveni sestavni del vsakodnevnega sodobnega življenja v takšni ali drugačni obliki.  Zato ni presenetljivo, da so raznovrsten nalepke eno najhitreje rastočih sektorjev v tiskarski industriji, skupaj s prilagodljivo embalažo, s povprečjem okrog 4–6 % letne rasti po svetu vsaj v zadnjih 30 letih (trenutna rast je ocenjena na 4,7 %) in skoraj vedno doseže rast, ki presega BDP. Na globalni ravni nalepke proizvajajo visoko specializiran nišni sektor tiskarske industrije, ki trenutno ustvarja več kot 60 milijard USD prometa. 

Vlaganje v rast in dobičkonosnost - Vloga digitalnega tiska v svetu etiket.

Hitro adaptacija digitalnega tiska in naložbe vanj so močno vplivale na hitro rast tiska etiket, saj so spremenile način oblikovanja in izdelave etiket na zahtevo ter možnosti njihove uporabe na nove zanimive načine, na primer etikete za steklenice, etikete za živila, etikete z varnostnimi opozorili ...


The benefits of label printing

The benefits of label printing

Digital label presses

The label printing sector has grown to such an extent that annual installations of digital label presses are now close to 30% of all narrow-web press installations worldwide, with over 3,000 digital label presses installed worldwide in the label industry at the end of 2015. 

Looking ahead, digital label presses are forecast to make-up close to 40% or more of all annual narrow-web press installations by 2020. 

Against this backdrop, the overall value of digitally printed label jobs nowadays is viewed as far greater than the printed cost alone. Industry estimates indicate that although digital label printing is currently only about 3% to 5% of all printed pressure-sensitive label jobs by volume, it makes up some 15% to 18% or more of all print jobs by value. 

The many benefits of this growing sector include:

Seamless workflow 

A seamless workflow has become one of the essentials of successful digital label production. It provides the basis for minimizing errors and paperwork, speeds up response times, and provides continually up-dated manufacturing and customer information, as well as bringing down lead times. 

Cost efficiencies 

Compared to conventional label printing, the digital process does not use printing plates, or have any platemaking materials, chemicals, processes or time requirement, saving you money. 

Production benefits 

For the brand owner, the opportunity to reduce or eliminate label warehousing, reduce time to market, and improve supply chain efficiencies can be a compelling reason to turn to digital label production. The possibility of just-in-time production, short-run proofing and test marketing of labels is also of great interest. 

Marketing opportunities 

New added value and marketing opportunities for brand owners – indeed almost any size business ‒ have become a real focus for label users in today's ever-competitive environment. There are many examples of where digital printing solutions have provided the possibility to easily produce multiple versions or variations, variable design images, personalized labels, mass customization, new promotional opportunities and even regional, seasonal or special event labels. For the digital label producer these marketing opportunities offer the potential to add value and enhance profitability. 

Environment and sustainability 

There is little doubt that the environment and sustainability have become important issues. By producing exact quantities rather than a percentage of 'overs', digital printing reduces print wastage. Unlike other printing processes, there are also no chemicals, water, or plate making materials used with digital printing. 

Brand security 

A relatively new, but growing area for digital design and printing with the latest software solutions is to incorporate security design backgrounds and special features, variable images, micro text, anti-copy features and much more. 

Track and trace 

The fact that digital labels can be printed individually means printers can produce sequentially numbered or coded labels, create hidden codes matched to visible codes, and provide changing codes that can be used with smartphone technology – all offering new possibilities for track and trace label solutions. 

Why digital label printing creates new business

Why digital label printing creates new business

New opportunities

Digital label printing also brings in more business for the converter's conventional printing presses, while creating new opportunities in the shorter run and niche unsupported film markets for sleeves and flexibles. Around 14% of label converters that have invested in digital presses now also produce profitable shorter-run, mid- to narrow-web flexible packaging – sachets, pouches, tubes, pot lids, wrappers, bags and flexibles – for customers who started out on labels alone.

Typical Label Applications

Glossy or matt adhesive sticker paper, YUPO, PET, PP. An extended list of supported substrates from the major vendors of self-adhesive media is provided upon purchase of the Label Press.

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Label Printing

Label Printing

Technology of the future meets benefits of the present

Konica Minolta offers an easy-to-use suite of quality software and hardware that lets you enjoy all the benefits of new digital technology with none of the potentially negative effects of transition.

It's designed to give you the technology of the future – without having to sacrifice the benefits of the present.

Strojna oprema
hardware icon
Make the move from analogue to digital printing – painlessly

Recent surveys of the industry suggest the most significant business 'pain points' for label converters are shorter lead times, and finding qualified press operators. So if you're looking for a one-stop shop to solve both these 'growing pains' at once, moving your company seamlessly from conventional to digital label production, opening you up to vast new digital markets and creating small batches of high-quality labels and stickers with a speed and flexibility your customers will talk about, the AccurioLabel 190 is the digital press for you.

Programska oprema
software icon
You do the printing. Let us do the impositioning.

With its PDF-based workflow and generous feature set, AccurioPro Label Impose is an impressive tool indeed. This software lets operators handle a wide range of pre-press tasks from a single control station, can be married seamlessly with our AccurioLabel 190 hardware, and is the perfect complement to Konica Minolta's label press. The missing piece in your digital label printing puzzle.The only digital label printing software you'll ever need.

service icon
Always at your Service

Our experienced, knowledgeable specialist staff will answer any questions you may have, and show you how to operate your product. Our services function for your benefit, within a support system designed to ensure you and your company benefit fully from the solutions. We offer a range of different services, including optimised print services to combine your consulting; hardware and software implementation; workflow management to lower your document spending; and smart security services, to keep your business safe.

All the features you need (and one or two more)

Konica Minolta's powerful mix of software and hardware solutions has been created with one objective in mind: to enable your company to move seamlessly from analogue to digital processing, lock your printing business solidly into the booming profits of the label design of the future, and enjoy the maximum benefit and added value of digital. 

Our features will let you offer your clients personalisation, lower your running costs, simplify your operation and put together your own seamless, customised version of the transition to digital. You can offer shorter run-lengths, flexible delivery times and much more. At the same time, those trusted analogue presses will just keep on running with our product mix. In short, our features let you enjoy all the benefits of the new technology while keeping your existing analogue plant profitable as you transition. So what are those features? The benefits to your company of our digital label printing product mix include:



Quality feature icon

Colours are processed at a resolution of 1,200 dpi x 8 bit with 256 gradations expressed in 1 pixel

Print feature icon

Image density control technology

Media handling feature icon

No pre-coating of media required

Touch feature icon

Operation is intuitive by following on-screen instructions; no need for extensive user training

Speed feature icon

Per-minute speeds of 18.9 m, 13.5 m and 9.45 m can be selected to match the media used

Technology feature icon

Simitri® HD E toner technology

Speed feature icon

Tasks such as colour adjustments that are highly time-consuming on analogue now take seconds

Customization feature icon

The 3-dimensional hybrid structure that incorporates functional polymers provides high performance for all media types

Request a live demo with our experts!

One of our technical experts will demonstrate all the adavantages of label printing technology

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shaping print to business.

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