Barva pritegne našo pozornost, prebudi čustva in pri gledalcih vzbudi občutek vključenosti ter spodbudi odziv – zato nadaljujte z branjem, če želite zagotavljati kakovost barvnega tiskanja z orodji, ki so enostavna za uporabo.
Sistemi upravljanja barv – ključ do poslovnega uspeha
Pametni nadzor barve in slike pri tiskarskih izdelkih vzbuja občutek kakovosti in živahnosti, povečuje prodajo in ustvarja višjo stopnjo dobička. Kamor koli pogledamo – od knjig in katalogov do letakov, neposredne pošte, panojev, izdelkov v trgovinah in embalaže – polna barva je bistvena za učinkovito trženje, promocijo in prodajno uspešnost.
Kljub temu skoraj polovica digitalnih tiskalnikov kot najtežji izziv navaja ujemanje barv. Stranke pri nakupu natisov pričakujejo barvno doslednost, zato morajo biti ponudniki tiskarskih storitev zmožni zagotavljati kakovost barvnega tiskanja z orodji, ki so enostavna za uporabo, in uporabljati rešitve upravljanja barv, ki zagotavljajo natančno ujemanje – brez strme krivulje učenja. Tudi reprodukcija barv mora biti dosledna skozi čas, da zmanjša količino tiskarskih napak in prepreči ponovno tiskanje.
In today’s hectic print environment where 24-hour turnaround times are the norm, calibration of colour output between offset and digital presses to achieve consistent print results and maximise both productivity and manufacturing flexibility is essential. Simple, integrated solutions can now provide all the digital hardware and software necessary to produce colour profiles fully compliant with International Colour Consortium (ICC) standards.
Effective management of colour provides benefits including…
• Standardised proofing output
• Guaranteed quality of printed output
• Reduced cost and waste for printer
• Reduces the number of reprints and lead-time for the customer
• Efficiency improved by "getting it right" first time.
A robust colour management system lets a digital printer process individual jobs quickly enough to make them economically viable, while at the same time guaranteeing the quality of the final printed result. Apart from the cost savings and production efficiencies this offers, colour control is vital because it simplifies many complex problems created by using a variety of image capture devices
It needs to match colour with individually branded products, and well as ensure colour is used consistently across a range of products, marketing collateral, different substrates and print output devices.The benefits of an effective colour management system include:
· Makes your print room more productive and more profitable
· Reduces your labour and hidden costs
· Mundane tasks and repetitive processes are easy to automate
· There’s no need to consider outsourcing
· Print production efficiency can be maximised
· Helps your company stand out from the competition in your market
Want the ultimate in digital print production performance? You just found it. Konica Minolta’s Production Printing and Office hardware are industry benchmarks, with devices offering revolutionary colour image quality, ultra-high-speed black-and-white output, pro-quality inline finishing options to meet your complex job specifications, and more. Regardless of the size or area of specialisation of your company, our print hardware lets you build up your printing infrastructure, manage digital content, put in place state-of-the-art measuring instruments, and explore other solutions designed to change your workflow beyond recognition.
Explore the countless different ways in which Konica Minolta software products could improve your operations. Konica Minolta solves the problems of your company, matches different working styles, and offers software solutions meeting the needs of your industry. By prioritising your needs at all times, Konica Minolta meets the software requirements of even the most demanding global organisations. Using the system, you can keep a lid on the cost of any printed or copied output, create advanced security measures to ensure sensitive documents don’t fall into unauthorised hands, and more.
Our experienced, knowledgeable specialist staff will answer any questions you may have, and show you how to operate your product. Our services function for your benefit, within a support system designed to ensure you and your company benefit fully from the solutions. We offer a range of different services, including optimised print services to combine your consulting; hardware and software implementation; workflow management to lower your document spending; and smart security services, to keep your business safe.
Four steps to build your business:
In Hall 5 in the "Digital Factory" exhibition area, our experts will present powerful solutions and concepts for IIoT, industry 4.0 and digitization